Friday, February 24, 2012

Examples include yates approved, vpx micellean ...

Reprinted with BodyMuscle Magazine. Anthony Acciani candidate Sarah York next candidate to be a very interesting attempt two researchers to try to create a nitrogen storage, and antykatabolycheskyy anabolic formula using natural supplements that can mimic or equate the impact of synthetic (pharmacological) anabolic androgenic steroid, nandrolone and Vynstrol. Anabolic steroids cause receptor technologies to facilitate entry into the muscle cells to order DNA / RNA to synthesize more protein per rybosome site. Typically, normal food may not affect specific receptors on the surface of various cells and is the way pharmaceutical drugs have their effect over that food. However, efforts to make the combination of different parts of the food for the modernization of muscle protein synthesis response was ongoing. It is doubtful if the process can be done completely, but if I had to select a group of additives that could match the power low doses of steroids, it would be very similar, as suggested in this article, but the mathematical expressions presented here interesting and unique . In fact, I said it many times, my top choice for anabolic actions are: a mixture of proteins mixed with milk isolates, casein, whey, eggs. Examples include Yates, approved, VPX Micellean, Prolab Matrix, price right Proteus 8, MET-Rx, Beverly, EAS Myoplex Deluxe, the optimal mix of APS, CA Labs Pure game and HDT Pro-Blend 55. In addition, L-glutamine, creatine, BCAA, L-arginine, L-taurine and L-leucine. Specific attempts product is unique effects of steroids include: Beverly-Synergy, Yates Pro-GF stimulants and anabolic Australian Viraloid

British Bodybuilding believes that this is one of the most interesting articles ever written in the field of theoretical and food we retype it in length. In relation to the activity of bodybuilding, anabolic action / androgenic steroids include:

1: Factoring the level of male hormone lasix prescription levels, especially testosterone. 2: increase in nitrogen balance by increasing the action of RNA for protein synthesis at ribosomal level. 3: softening cortisol-like activity and, consequently, factoring speed and volume of muscle catabolism proportional to exercise. In search of relationship set of additions to equate more on medical effects of pharmacological agents, we did not include androstenedione and its many derivatives. Many scientific studies have shown that high doses of (relative) androstenedione actually increases testosterone levels for a moment, but no evidence of further increase in expression of muscle strength and measures of hypertrophy. Androstenedione usually reversibly convert estrodial in healthy men. Preliminary data indicate that patented, uniquely related to the form of zinc and magnesium aspartate (ZMA) can safely raise the testosterone levels and IGF-1 (ynsulynopodobnoho growth factor related-1) in male athletes at high loads of training. 8-week study to Brill strongly underlined players, suggested that ZMA increase free testosterone levels by an average of 43. 7% and IGF-1 levels by 25% (and above placebo players). The effect of these parameters on chronic basis, were not analyzed, but continues to use ZMA does not suppress endogenous testosterone. Can we continue to accelerate protein synthesis with an efficient set of applications like steroids do? Let's look at BCAA and arginine. We recommend that the dose is three times the standard amino acids with branched chains (branched amino acids) due to the very unique characteristics of cycling leucine. And twice the standard dose of arginine, amino acids, which supposedly causes muscle receptors of the body tissue through nitric oxide release (in some small way, like anabolic steroids do to activate the new muscle growth). Several double blind studies show that both BCAA and arginine positive effect on protein synthesis and positive anabolic effect on the objective of the 2nd type of muscle tissue. There is a reasonable conclusion that the consumption of BCAA before and immediately after exercise (20-40-minute workout) can increase energy and muscle repair and lining restoration. BCAA, in general, positive precipitation rates of nitrogen. Anabolic steroids are effective in advanced athletes, because they inhibit catabolic processes, shifting the balance nitrogen. Clinical studies also showed that branched amino acids (BCAA) may have significant anti-catabolic effect, especially when energy balance is skewed by reducing calories and exercise. With intensive training anaerobic, leucine rapidly oxidized for energy. Theoretically, a leucine absent or be reduced, ie less protein and increased loss of muscle tissue will not happen. Leucine metabolic analogues, HMB and KIC, may be effective in suppressing the catabolism in the model decrease caloric energy (and particularly when carbohydrate is reduced). Conflict Studies and HMB and KIC suggests that they have no direct anabolic like protein. Medical research on HIV population clearly shows that HMB, when fused with combinations of glutamine, creatine monohydrate and / or arginine, dramatically increases all the layers of tissue nitrogen retention. We believe that the data would be even stronger with the addition of titrated amino acids in the form of casein and whey hydrolysates. This can increase nitrogen retention and strengthen the immune system further (if renal function is sufficient). : 3-5 times RDA of protein (in grams per kilogram of weight.) In the form of hydrolyzate (caseinates and whey). B: 3 times the dose of amino acids with branched chains (as recommended by manufacturers). C: 2 times the level of creatine, arginine and HMB. D: 3 times higher than glutamine. E: Add ZMA. .

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